
The 25 Best Sports Movies

Every major sport has its own movie. Some of the most popular spectator sports – baseball, football, basketball, and soccer – have multiple films that use competition as the backdrop. But which films constitute the best sports movies ever made? There are so many factors at play. Is it an underdog sports story, about loveable losers who overcome the odds to achieve greatness? Or is it a story about the greatest to ever play a game, and an analysis of what drove them to be elite?

As we debated over the best sports movies ever made, CinemaBlend staffers came to realize that it’s not always about the sport itself, but more about the characters in which we have invested. Especially if they happen to be played by Kevin Costner, who’s like Hollywood’s unofficial mascot of terrific sports movies. That dude is the Patron Saint of sports movies. He has excellent sports movies that didn’t even make this list! That’s how good he is. 

So what did make the list? A healthy mix of recognized classics, some newer films that take unconventional approaches to their athletic subjects, and Foxcatcher. Man, that’s a weird movie. Great! But weird. 

Love & Basketball

(Image credit: New Line Cinema)

25. Love & Basketball

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Tags: Movies, Sports
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