
Jersey Shore’s Snooki Shares Emotional Reaction To Congress’ UFO Hearing

U.S. Congress members recently held a hearing on unidentified anomalous phenomena, more commonly known as UFOs. Whistleblower and former military intelligence officer David Grusch informed lawmakers that the government should engage in more transparency in revealing its UFO findings to the public, and even went so far as to allege the government was in possession of extraterrestrial technology and nonhuman biological lifeforms. The testimony was met with much skepticism from some, much surprise from others, and even elicited a perhaps surprisingly emotional response from Jersey Shore‘s Snooki. 

Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi may be more commonly known as a successful pop culture mainstay whose career began with partying in New Jersey in her early twenties, but she’s largely moved on from that chaotic period. Snooki joined in with many other Americans who tuned in for the hearing about UFOs, and after taking in what eyewitnesses had to say, she tweeted that the whole event made her pretty emotional.

I literally wanna cry with what Is happening at the ufo hearing. HISTORY. Finally the public get to hear what we’ve all known and thought. 👽July 26, 2023

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