
Outlander’s Sophie Skelton And Richard Rankin Debate Whether Roger And Brianna Should Get The Jacobite Gold, And Their Reasons Are Hilarious

Spoilers ahead for Episode 4 of Outlander Season 7, called “A Most Uncomfortable Woman.”

War is imminent for the Frasers as of the latest episode of Outlander, which brought back Tom Christie just in time to see Jamie and Claire march off to Fort Ticonderoga while Young Ian went on a mission of his own that unexpectedly reunited him with William Ransom. Meanwhile, in the 20th century, Brianna and Roger had problems of their own to deal with that could at least be partially solved with an influx of money, which raises the question: should they go on a treasure hunt for the Jacobite gold? Stars Sophie Skelton and Richard Rankin debated that very topic during an interview with CinemaBlend, and they had some hilarious answers. 

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